Saturday, March 7, 2020

Turmeric powder - Uses, Benefits !


Turmeric powder - Uses and Benefits !

turmeric, turmeric uses, turmeric health benefits, turmeric powder
Turmeric is the yellow coloured rhizome part of plant called as Curcurma longa of family Zingiberaceae.

Turmeric is not easily absorbed by stomach, but absorption can be enhanced by black papper upto 2000%.

It is widely used as a spice in all type of foods, due to its healthy and colouring properties.

turmeric, turmeric health benefits, turmeric uses, turmeric powder

80% production of turmeric material is occur in India, while most import is done in USA.

The healthy benefits of turmeric powder is due to the active ingredient present in it , i.e. curcumin.

Turmeric is insoluble in water but soluble in fat/oil.

Health benefits of Turmeric....

  • Anti-inflammatory 

Turmeric contains the active ingredients that is curcumin which has various good properties for human body.

One of which property is the anti-inflammatory property. It reduces the inflammation on inflammed part of body.

Turmeric powder is applied on swelled part to reduce the inflammation.

  • Antioxidant
As we tell turmeric contains active ingredient curcumin , it also contains antioxidant property.

It reduces the free radicles in body preventing aging of body and prevent other life threatening diseases.

Free radicles are the very reactive molecules which react with DNS result many kind of disorders or diseases.
  • Improves memory 
Neurons are the cells which cannot divide after certain time, but in only brain it can divide by the enzyme BDNF.

Curcumin helps in synthesis of the enzyme BDNF.

Which increases the neuron cells and make man smarter.
  • Anti-cancer
Curcumin inhibit the uncontrolled growth of cells and kill them which helps to fight against cancer.
  • Against Arthritis
As we know the curcumin contains anti-inflammatory property it can help the peoples who are suffering from the joint disorder. 

It reduces the inflammation of joints which results decrease in pain.
  • Against heart problem
It improves the function of the endothelium of blood vessels results controlled contraction and dilation prevents the diseases related to heart
  • Beauty treatment
It vanishes the dark spot and the pimples present on face by killing the microbes present on face.

It also reduces the pimples by two actions antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
  • Other uses of turmeric
Improves digestion,
turmeric, turmeric uses, turmeric health benefits, turmeric powder
As an anti-septic on wounds,
Decreases the symptoms of cold, jaundice, intestinal worms, etc,
In various dishes,
boosts neurotransmitters.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I really like what you've posted here and wish you the best of luck with this blog and thanks for sharing. Turmeric powder
