Saturday, December 7, 2019

'Top Secrets of Aloe vera -Benefits, uses and drawbacks.'


Aloe vera leaf and aloe vera gel
Top Secret of Aloe vera - Benefits, Uses and drawbacks

Here you will get the Benefits, uses and drawbacks of aloe vera. 

You may have many questions like What are the benefits of aloe vera? , What are the uses of Aloe vera? , What are the drawbacks of aloe vera? , etc.

Aloe vera leaves

'Top Secrets of aloe vera'

You may know the identification of aloe vera plant, but you know the benefits, uses and drawbacks of aloe vera. If you want to know all about aloe vera then read our blog till last. We have listed the ingredients present in aloe plant. 

Aloe vera contains 99% water and 1% other ingredients. We all know some benefits of Aloe vera like it is used for the skin problems like acne, dark spot, prevent skin irritation, slow down the signs of aging, give moisture to the skin. Apart from this, there are many benefits of aloe vera. It is used by many people for it's wide activity.

The aloe vera plants are widely used in cosmetic, medical and other industries due to its various activity.

This all activities are explained below in our blog. After reading the blog you will be satisfied with information so without wasting time we are coming to our main blog.

women applied the aloe vera gel on the skin

We have covered the following points in our blog

# Benefits of aloe vera

# Uses of aloe vera

# Drawbacks of aloe vera

Benefits of Aloe vera
aloe vera gel

  • Slow down the aging process- by applying aloe vera gel on skin it increases the production of  collagen in body, which prevents the wrinkles which is the aging sign.
  • Prevent wrinkles- As we discussed above aloe vera increases the production fo collagen in body which prevents the wrinkles.
  • Lowers the blood acidity- Scientist conclude that aloe vera may work by reducing acid production and act as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Prevent acne- Aloe vera contains anti bacterial properties which kills the bacteria present in acne and reduces the inflammation by anti inflammatory activity.
  • Act against inflammations - Aloe vera gel contains an anti-inflammatory property which helps in reducing the inflammation. Aloe vera gel is available in medical stores.
  • Heal the burns rapidly- Aloe vera gel can heal the first degree burn and second degree burn. It increases the blood circulation to the burn area, reduces inflammation.
  • Hydrate the skin- Aloe vera contains 99% of water which prevents the dehydration of skin and make it healthier.
    aloe vera containing cream
    Aloe vera in cosmetics
  • Decrease the liver toxicity- Studies shows that aloe vera decreases the level of enzymes and bilirubin in liver i.e. maintain it to normal level. Increased level of bilirubin and enzyme causes damage to the liver cells.
  • Prevent constipation- Aloe vera juice with latex act as laxative which soften the bowel movement. Aloe latex contains anthraquinone which are natural laxatives, which prevents constipation.
  • Helps to decrease mouth ulcer- Using the aloe vera is the easiest method to prevent the mouth ulcer and decrease the inflammation of ulcer due to anti- inflammatory property.
  • Fight against tooth decay- Aloe vera contains the anti-bacterial property which which prevents the bacterial growth in teeth. It reduces the pain due to decay and inflammation.
  • Reduces itching- Aloe vera gel contains anti-microbial property that kills the microbes or pathogens present on skin which are responsible for itching. It also fastly heals the rashes, dry skin and irritation,
  • Ease in digestion process- Taking aloe juice daily decreases the problems related to digestion and make stomach healthier and gives soothing effect.
  • Act against diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity- By taking aloe vera juice daily maintains the insulin properly which has primary function to metabolize the sugar or glucose in blood. If insulin in body decreases, the glucose level in blood increases which results the diabetes.

Uses of Aloe vera

Aloe vera are widely used in various industries we have discussed shortly only for you..

# In Food Industries - Aloe vera juice are used in the food industries as flavoring agents.

# In Cosmetic industries - In various cosmetic industries aloe vera is used due to its activity. Aloe vera is used to make aloe vera gel, aloe vera juice, and other products.

# In Food supplements - Aloe vera juice or dried aloe vera is used in food supplements to fulfill the required body nutrients and other substances.

# Herbal remedies - Means the plant are used as medicine. They use them to relive from the symptoms or to boost energy, weight loss, etc.

Drawbacks of aloe vera

  • Latex of aloe vera can cause stomach pain & cramps.
  • Long term and Large amount intake of latex can cause diarrhoea, kidney problem, blood in urine, muscle weakness, heart problem.
  • Aloe vera should not taken in pregnancy, because it gives laxative effect can cause abortion.
  • In children small amount of latex can cause stomach pain &cramps.

Ingredients present in aloe vera

Aloe vera contains 99% of water also contains many other ingredients like Amino acids, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes and anthraquinones.

Aloe vera plant

  • Amino acids: Proteins are made up of amino acids and proteins are building blocks our body. some amino acids are use in the industries for preparation of cosmetics and various drugs.
Essential amino acids(7 of 8 essential amino acids are present in aloe vera)

  1. Isoleucine
  2. Leucine
  3. Lysine
  4. Methionine
  5. Phenylalanine
  6. Threonine
  7. Valine
None-Essential all 12 amino acids are present in aloe vera
  1. Alanine
  2. Arginine
  3. Asparagine
  4. Cysteine
  5. Glutamic acid
  6. Glycine
  7. Histidine
  8. Proline
  9. Serine
  10. Tyrosine
  11. Glutamine
  12. Aspartic acid 

  • Vitamins: Vitamins have 100's of  roles in our body.Vitamins are the important for body growth and development. They are also helpful in metabolism, immunity & digestion.
Aloe vera contains following vitamins:-
  1. Vitamin A - Growth, vision, bone development
  2. Vitamin B (B1, B2, B6, B12) - Detoxification
  3. Vitamin C - Active against the heart diseases 
  4. Vitamin E - Antioxidant

  • Minerals: Minerals are important for body growth, development, and bone health.
    aloe vera farming
       Minerals present in aloe vera are:-
  1. Calcium
  2. Copper 
  3. Potassium
  4. Sodium
  5. Chromium
  6. Magnesium
  7. Manganese
  8. Zinc
  9. Iron
  10. Phosphorus

  • Enzymes: Enzyme plays thousands of role in our body like digestion, respiration, muscle and nerve activities, etc.
Enzymes present in aloe vera are :-

  1. Aliiase
  2. Alkaline phosphatase
  3. Amylalse
  4. Cellulase
  5. Carboxypeptidase
  6. Catalase
  7. Lipase
  8. Peroxidase

  • Sugars: Sugars are the important source of energy, our brain and other body cells take energy from the sugars.
Sugars present in aloe vera are:-

  1. Monosaccharide (Glucose, Fructose)
  2. Polysaccharide (Glucomannan, polymannose)

  • Fatty acids: It act in transport system of oxygen in blood, inflammation mechanism in body, energy production.
       Four type of fatty acids present in aloe vera

  1. Cholesterol
  2. Campesterol
  3. êžµ-sitosterol
  4. Lupeol

  • Anthraquinone: It act against constipation by giving laxative effect. Anthraquinone stimulates the contraction of colon (large intestine).
 12 anthraquinones are present in the aloe vera
aloe vera cuttings

  1. Aloe emodin
  2. Aloetic acid
  3. Aloin
  4. Anthranol 
  5. Anthracin
  6. Barbaloin
  7. Chryosophanic acid
  8. Emodin
  9. Ethereal oil
  10. Cinnamonic acid ester
  11. Isobarbaloin
  12. Resistannol
Hope you are satisfied with the information, if you have any suggestion then drop it in the comment box.

Thank you

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for sharing if you are interested Ayurvedic Aloe Vera Juice Visit Here

  2. Thanks For The great content sir. i will also share with my friends & once again thanks a lot.


  3. Very good information This is very useful for health

  4. Aloe vera juice is beneficial for both our health and beauty. Aloe vera is called Ghritkumari in the language of Ayurveda and Ayurveda medicines are used for curing many diseases. It is also rich in many natural qualities. It is one such plant which is found in every household nowadays. The use of aloe vera can efficiently overcome the problems related to skin, stomach, dental problems, headaches, loss of appetite, etc. Read full article visit here: latest articles on health
