Monday, September 14, 2020

Clove - Its Benefits, Uses and Side effects | Clove oil | 2020


Here you will get the important information of cloves.

Clove uses

We are familiar with the clove and its taste, but today we have discussed Why clove has the aromatic smell and taste? What is its importance? Uses of Cloves, Side effects of Clove?, etc. 

So let’s start…

Clove and cinnamon

We have covered the following points in this blog.


  • ·         What is clove ?

  • ·         Constituents of Clove.

  • ·         Benefits of Clove.

  • ·         Uses of Clove.

  • ·         Side effects of Clove


What is clove ?


Cloves are the flower buds of the clove tree known as Syzygium aromaticum.

Cloves are an important ingredient in the spice blends of Sri Lanka and North India. They are used in garam masala, biryanis, and pickles.

Clove is an important flavor contributor to ketchup and sauce seasoning blends.

The Smell of Clove is powerful, sweet-spicy, hot and aromatic.

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From clove, Clove oil is extracted and used for various purposes. Clove oil is an essential oil used against toothache.

Cloves are low in calories but a rich source of manganese.

The Powerful odor is due to the presence of eugenol (Volatile oil) in it.

The eugenol present in clove helps ease digestion, healthy digestion is key to effective weight loss.

Clove also helps Increases metabolism naturally.

By fighting free radical activity, cloves may also help give you a beautiful skin.

Clove oil


Constituents of Cloves


  • ·         Acetyl eugenol,

  • ·         Beta-caryophyllene

  • ·         Vanillin

  • ·         Crategolic acid,

  • ·         Tannins ( bicorningallotannic acidmethyl salicylate ),

  • ·         Flavonoids eugenin rhamnetin, kaempferol and eugenitin,

  • ·         Triterpenoids such as stigmasterol, oleanolic acid and campesterol,

  • ·         Sesquiterpenes.

Orange clove


Benefits of Clove



In benefits we have discussed its health importance or properties.


  • ·         Boost our immunity

  • ·         Powerful antioxidants that help to fight against free radical damage

  • ·         Strong germicidal properties that prevents toothache, sore gums and ulcers,

  • ·         Contains Antiseptic property

  • ·         Contains Anesthetic property

  • ·         Contains Antiviral property

  • ·         Contains Antimicrobial property

  • ·         Anti-inflammatory that heals sore throats, cold, cough and headache

  • ·         Maintains Health of liver

  • ·         Helps to ease digestion

  • ·         Helps to loss the body weight by ease of digestion and increased metabolism

  • ·         Increases Metabolism naturally

  • ·         Regulate blood sugar levels

  • ·         Stop the growth of tumors and promoted cell death in cancer cells.

Uses of Clove

Uses Of clove


In Uses we have discussed its importance in various industries or fields.


  • ·         To make various types of spices

  • ·         In Pharmaceutical Industries

  • ·         Food and beverages

  • ·         Cosmetics

  • ·         Personal care

  • ·         Healthcare products

  • ·         Preservative for water-based mediums such as egg tempera, glue, watercolour,  etc.

  • ·         In aromatherapy to relieve tension, pain, stress, and induce relaxation and sleep


Side effects of Clove

Drawbacks of clove


  • ·         Some peoples can suffer from allergic condition like hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

  • ·         Itching, rash

  • ·         Delayed ejaculation

  • ·         Sore gums

  • ·         Mouth irritation

  • ·         Bleeding or swollen gums,

  • ·         Overconsumption can result lactic acidosis, liver problem or inflammation


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